The ERN-RND cordially invites coordinators and project managers of all ERNs to join our annual ERN coordinators and project managers meeting 2023. The meeting takes place in Bilbao (Spain) on 09 and 10 October 2023, right before the EESC Conference 2023.
Accommodation and travel costs are not covered by the ERN-RND and have to be covered by each ERN. For accomodation recommendations please check the EESC accommodation flyer.
You will have the possibility to meet your colleagues face-to-face. The meeting enables you to discuss present achievements and future work of the ERNs as well as to share experience. You‘ll also have the chance to get support with specific needs and challenges within your ERN.
Overarching Theme Budapest 2023: Neurology beyond the Big Data
The amount of data available in neurology, neuroscience, neurobiology and related disciplines is rising exponentially and our ability to analyse and utilise those data is becoming ever more sophisticated. This will be the topic of the overarching theme of the European Academy’s 2023 annual congress, ‘Neurology Beyond Big Data’, where concepts, recent advances, opportunities and challenges will be discussed.
Data available range from routinely collected clinical data and population health data, through genomics and other omics and to clinical diagnostics (i.e. MRI and neurophysiology). Linkage of diverse datasets and use of novel methods of analysis, including use of artificial intelligence, are giving us new insights into the how the nervous system actually works and the biological basis of neurological diseases. It is also informing the development of new diagnostic technologies, new treatments and how to and in whom to use current and new treatments (personalised treatment) as well as public health interventions.
These advances also pose a number of challenges, for example public concern about use of data and the proportionality of data protection legislation, which on the one hand protects individual’s privacy rights but might also impede advancements that might improve their health, whilst there are also other ethical concerns to consider, for example around genomics. There are also risks that the substantial health inequalities across Europe will be widened if access to the new technologies and other advancements are available mainly to wealthy, highlighting the need for intelligent and progressive policies. All this and more will be discussed at the EAN’s 2023 congress in Budapest.
Concept Advances in gene therapies are completely changing the possibilities we used to have to deal with devastating rare neurological disorders and dramatically changing our expectations regarding outcomes in these patients. More than 50 gene therapies could be in the clinical ground in the next 10 years, but there are still lots of uncertainties and challenges we need to cope with.
Aim The aim of this course is to discuss known barriers, challenges, and uncertainties in gene replacement therapies including the vision of different stakeholders (basic researchers, clinicians, patients, regulators, payers, and industry. We split the course into two days in which we deal with different bottlenecks. On the first day, we will review the state of the art in therapy development and problems of the current viral carriers, and possible solutions. On the second day, we will discuss the problems related to clinical implementation and safety.
SAVE THE DATE/Abstracts welcome: EPNS Congress 20-24 June 2023 Congress Center Prague
Welcome to the 15th Congress of the European Paediatric Neurology Society (EPNS) with the main highlight “From genome and connectome to cure”. We invite you to see how the latest trends in understanding pathophysiology of neurological diseases are being implemented in clinical practice. Our field has traditionally focused on precise diagnostics; however, curative treatments were unavailable for a long time. Today, this trend is changing rapidly and novel therapeutic options in our field have brought hope to many families of children even with the most severe neurological conditions. Learn more and SUBMIT your ABSTRACT (closes 31 December 2022):
The third edition of the GNAO1 European Conference, 16-17 June, Rome, Italy
Two days entirely dedicated to the ultra-rare disease caused by the GNAO1 gene mutation. An event open to clinicians, researchers, rehabilitation experts, families and everyone interested in this genetic disease.
In the tradition of this meeting, the intent is to encourage the participation of diverse professional groups, from clinicians to clinical scientists, neuroscientists, and basic scientists.
Considering that there is likely to be an acceleration in the field of mitochondrial medicine in the next two years, leading to the availability of new technologies as well as new therapeutic approaches and possibly clinical trials, such contributions will be presented and explained in the scientific sessions.
We are happy to announce that this year’s ERN-RND annual meeting – CARE-RND23 – will be a 2-day event, scheduled on 19th and 20th September 2023 in Leuven, Belgium.
This year’s meeting will be a hybrid meeting. We expect that one representative of each HCP will be in Leuven. Additionally, we will open the online participation to as many colleagues from ERN-RND as possible. The non-internal parts of the meeting will also be opened to external participants.
For online participation, the Zoom links will be sent by email to the members for the internal part of the meeting.
Program of day 1 (open to the public):
1:00 CET
Welcome and overview of ERN-RND, by Holm Graessner, University Hospital Tübingen
11:30 CET
The VALOR-Trial – a breakthrough for SOD related ALS, by Albert Ludolph, University Hospital Ulm
12:00 CET
Patient journeys, by the Monika Benson (Dystonia Europe) and John Gerbild (Denmark Association for ataxia and HSP)
14:30 CET
Genetic diagnosis and technological advancements, by Alex Hoischen, Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen
15:00 CET
External Quality Assessment for Next-Generation Sequencing Testing in RND, by Ales Maver, University Medical Centre Ljubljana
15:30 CET
Genetic strategies of the future, using the example of the Deep Intronic FGF14 GAA Repeat Expansion in Late-Onset Cerebellar Ataxia, by Stephan Zuchner, Miller School of Medicine, Miami
17:00 CET
DBS in dystonia, by Sylvia Boesch, Medical University Innsbruck
17:30 CET
Current practices regarding HSCT in metachromatic leukodystrophy in Europe and treatment eligibility panels, byNicole Wolf, Amsterdam UMC
17:50 CET
Ups and downs of therapy development in HD, by Bernhard Landwehrmeyer, University Hospital Ulm
18:10 CET
ERN-RND Registry, by Ludger Schöls, University Hospital Tübingen
On Tuesday evening starting at 19:30: Brasserie ‘t Oud Gasthuys (Brusselsestraat 63B, 3000 Leuven)
You have to arrange your own travel.
By train: to Leuven train station (2 min-walk to the venue) By plane: to Brussels airport (BRU) and then a train from the airport to Leuven By car: there is an underground parking at the venue. If you wish to use it, please contact
Travel fees will be reimbursed after the meeting according to the unit costs set by the European Commission (the exact costs can be calculated here). Please send your reimbursement form (link to the form attached) to PRIOR to the meeting.
ERN-RND reserved hotel rooms for the participants. We have sent you an email with the name and address of your hotel. The rooms are already paid for.
1-3 June 2023, Dublin
Hear from expert faculty as they discuss and debate cutting edge dystonia research. With over sixty speakers from sixteen countries, the Samuel Belzberg International Dystonia Symposium is perfect for researchers and clinicians at any stage of their career.
The symposium is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of important scientific advances in the field and stimulate discussion within and across disciplines.
Are you in ataxia research? The registration is now open for AGI second webinar series: iScience: AGI YII Webinar Series on Hot TopicsExplore Your Future in Ataxia Research Target audience: young investigators in the ataxia field, who we hope to give a head start in their career by introducing important aspects of various research topics. Of course, anyone who is interested is welcome to attend! New in ataxia research? Join the AGI Young Investigator Initiative:
Towards the future of rare disease diagnostics
08.30 AM – 10.15 AM | Chair: Ana Rath
• Keynote lecture: Towards a personalised systems biomedical approach for the diagnosis and nutritional treatment of inherited metabolic diseases Ines Thiele, University of Galway
• Keynote Lecture: Hyperpersonalized therapies for the long tail of genetic disease Timothy Yu, Boston Childrens Hospital & Harvard Medical School
• The patient perspective
Gulcin Gumus, Eurordis
• SOLVE-RD 2.0 Olaf Riess, University of Tübingen
Impact of Solve-RD on research & care of rare disease patients
10.45 AM – 12.30 PM | Chair: Han Brunner & Holm Graessner
• Key SOLVE-RD achievements Holm Graessner, University of Tübingen
• Genomics reanalysis of a pan-European rare disease resource yields >500 new diagnoses Alex Hoischen, Radboud UMC & Sergi Beltran, CNAG-CRG
• Round Table: The future of rare disease diagnostics in Europe Simona Bellagambi, Eurordis | Daria Julkowska, INSERM | Christina Kyriakopoulou, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation | Milan Macek, Charles University Prague | Olaf Riess, University of Tübingen | Lisenka Vissers, Radboud UMC | Timothy Yu, Boston Childrens Hospital & Harvard Medical School
11th International Meeting on Neuroacanthocytosis Syndromes
The meeting is scheduled for September 15-17, 2023, in Homburg/Saar, Germany (that is neither Hamburg nor Bad Homburg!). It follows the tradition of previous meetings with strong interaction between neurologists, basic scientists, patients, and caregivers as well as advocacies. The Glenn Irvine Prize will also be awarded during the conference.
Attendance at the meeting is free, provided you register by August 31st. Travel and accommodation must be arranged and financed individually. For more information and the option to register, please visit this website:
The BLACKSWAN Foundation and IRDiRC, the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium, will host the joint event RE(ACT) Congress and IRDiRC Conference 2023 – 15-18 March in Berlin.
This joint event continues the IRDiRC Conference series (5th edition) and the RE(ACT) Congress series (7th edition). It aims to bring together scientific leaders, experts, and young scientists from various breakthrough scientific fields to present cutting-edge research, exchange ideas, and discuss policies related to rare diseases research. Patients and patient organizations committed to research will also attend to share their experiences and perspectives.