Solve-RD experts team up to share and analyse data from unsolved rare disease patients Continue reading “Solve-RD experts team up to share and analyse data from unsolved rare disease patients”
Share your reason for Europe to take action on rare diseases! Continue reading “Share your reason for Europe to take action on rare diseases!”
“Quality assurance, variant interpretation and data management in the NGS diagnostics era” training Continue reading ““Quality assurance, variant interpretation and data management in the NGS diagnostics era” training”
International Summer School on Rare Disease Registries and FAIRification of Data Continue reading “International Summer School on Rare Disease Registries and FAIRification of Data”
A first trial of Guanabenz in Vanishing White Matter Continue reading “A first trial of Guanabenz in Vanishing White Matter”
The Value of Treatment for Brain Disorders: Case Studies on Rare Diseases & Mental Disorders present findings at Synthesis Meeting Continue reading “The Value of Treatment for Brain Disorders: Case Studies on Rare Diseases & Mental Disorders present findings at Synthesis Meeting”
ERN-RND webinar on “MRI pattern recognition in leukodystrophies” – MRI upload by participants Continue reading “ERN-RND webinar on “MRI pattern recognition in leukodystrophies” – MRI upload by participants”
CPMS tutorial video for ERN-RND clinicians now available Continue reading “CPMS tutorial video for ERN-RND clinicians now available”
Research article: “Regional Brain and Spinal Cord Volume Loss in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3” Continue reading “Research article: “Regional Brain and Spinal Cord Volume Loss in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3””
OneNeurology Global Advocacy Workshop 2021 Continue reading “OneNeurology Global Advocacy Workshop 2021”
EJP RD Workshop: Clinical Research with databases: The Basics & Beyond Workshop in clinical epidemiological research for ERNs Continue reading “EJP RD Workshop: Clinical Research with databases: The Basics & Beyond Workshop in clinical epidemiological research for ERNs”
Research article: “A de novo STUB1 variant associated with an early adult‑onset multisystemic ataxia phenotype” Continue reading “Research article: “A de novo STUB1 variant associated with an early adult‑onset multisystemic ataxia phenotype””
ERN-RND webinar “MR Biomarkers in Spinocerebellar Ataxias” – recording available Continue reading “ERN-RND webinar “MR Biomarkers in Spinocerebellar Ataxias” – recording available”
ERN-RND webinar “Challenges in Frontotemporal Dementia: clinical, genetic and pathological heterogeneity” – recording available Continue reading “ERN-RND webinar “Challenges in Frontotemporal Dementia: clinical, genetic and pathological heterogeneity” – recording available”
‘Meet the members’ – interview with Sylvia Boesch, University Hospital Innsbruck, Austria Continue reading “‘Meet the members’ – interview with Sylvia Boesch, University Hospital Innsbruck, Austria”
ERN-RND webinar “Presenting the new CPMS functionalities and the principle of e-consultations” Continue reading “ERN-RND webinar “Presenting the new CPMS functionalities and the principle of e-consultations””
EPNS Congress abstract submission and bursary application OPEN Continue reading “EPNS Congress abstract submission and bursary application OPEN”
Research article: “Research priorities for rare neurological diseases: a representative view of patient representatives and healthcare professionals from the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases” Continue reading “Research article: “Research priorities for rare neurological diseases: a representative view of patient representatives and healthcare professionals from the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases””
Article: “European Reference Networks: challenges and opportunities” Continue reading “Article: “European Reference Networks: challenges and opportunities””
Survey: educational needs in rare neurological diseases in Europe Continue reading “Survey: educational needs in rare neurological diseases in Europe”
FUNDING – EJP RD / ERN Research Mobility Fellowship call open Continue reading “FUNDING – EJP RD / ERN Research Mobility Fellowship call open”
EJP RD – ERN Research Mobility Fellowship funding opportunity Continue reading “EJP RD – ERN Research Mobility Fellowship funding opportunity”
Health Awareness Rare Disease Day 2021 campaign Continue reading “Health Awareness Rare Disease Day 2021 campaign”
New leaflet for patients on Muscle tightness & stiffness – “spasticity” in ataxia Continue reading “New leaflet for patients on Muscle tightness & stiffness – “spasticity” in ataxia”
ERN-RND recorded webinar: “Improving care for rare disease patients in Europe – Rare Disease Day 2021” Continue reading “ERN-RND recorded webinar: “Improving care for rare disease patients in Europe – Rare Disease Day 2021””
“Der Weg zur europaweiten Zusammenarbeit” von Holm Graessner Continue reading ““Der Weg zur europaweiten Zusammenarbeit” von Holm Graessner”
ERN-RND recorded webinar: “Rare Disease Natural History Studies: Experience from the GNAO1 Natural History study in a pre and postpandemic world” Continue reading “ERN-RND recorded webinar: “Rare Disease Natural History Studies: Experience from the GNAO1 Natural History study in a pre and postpandemic world””