12-16 September 2020 | MDS Virtual Congress Continue reading “12-16 September 2020 | MDS Virtual Congress”
Research article: “Huntington’s disease alters human neurodevelopment” Continue reading “Research article: “Huntington’s disease alters human neurodevelopment””
Research article: “Cardiac phenotype in ATP1A3-related syndromes: A multicentre cohort study” Continue reading “Research article: “Cardiac phenotype in ATP1A3-related syndromes: A multicentre cohort study””
15 September 2020 | ERN-RND webinar “A challenge in neurogenetics: Huntington disease in kids” Continue reading “15 September 2020 | ERN-RND webinar “A challenge in neurogenetics: Huntington disease in kids””
11 September 2020 | EHDN’s Bridging Event 2020 Continue reading “11 September 2020 | EHDN’s Bridging Event 2020”
Research article: “Dystonia genes functionally converge in specific neurons and share neurobiology with psychiatric disorders” Continue reading “Research article: “Dystonia genes functionally converge in specific neurons and share neurobiology with psychiatric disorders””
10 September 2020 | ERN-RND webinar “How to assess and manage spastic gait in rare diseases?” Continue reading “10 September 2020 | ERN-RND webinar “How to assess and manage spastic gait in rare diseases?””
European Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3/Machado-Joseph Disease Initiative (ESMI) –lay summary of the results of this 4-year Consortium study Continue reading “European Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3/Machado-Joseph Disease Initiative (ESMI) –lay summary of the results of this 4-year Consortium study”
8 September 2020 | ERN-RND webinar “Semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia” Continue reading “8 September 2020 | ERN-RND webinar “Semantic variant of primary progressive aphasia””
8 September 2020 | 4th EAN Task Force for Rare Neurological Diseases Teaching Course Continue reading “8 September 2020 | 4th EAN Task Force for Rare Neurological Diseases Teaching Course”
1 December 2020 | ERN-RND webinar “Functional movement disorders: a diagnostic guide” Continue reading “1 December 2020 | ERN-RND webinar “Functional movement disorders: a diagnostic guide””
Research article: “Conversion of individuals at risk for spinocerebellar ataxia types 1, 2, 3, and 6 to manifest ataxia (RISCA): a longitudinal cohort study” Continue reading “Research article: “Conversion of individuals at risk for spinocerebellar ataxia types 1, 2, 3, and 6 to manifest ataxia (RISCA): a longitudinal cohort study””
NEW ePAG patient advocate for Huntington’s disease from Bulgaria Continue reading “NEW ePAG patient advocate for Huntington’s disease from Bulgaria”
Solve-RD Rare Disease Models & Mechanisms Network (RDMM-Europe) Continue reading “Solve-RD Rare Disease Models & Mechanisms Network (RDMM-Europe)”
Jump for Dystonia competition in September Continue reading “Jump for Dystonia competition in September”
David Marsden Award 2021 – open call for submission Continue reading “David Marsden Award 2021 – open call for submission”
SCA & ARCA Global Online Conference 2020 – Abstract submission Continue reading “SCA & ARCA Global Online Conference 2020 – Abstract submission”
Webinars on Leukodystrophies by ELA Deutschland Continue reading “Webinars on Leukodystrophies by ELA Deutschland”
Results of EFNA’s survey on stigma & neurological disorder Continue reading “Results of EFNA’s survey on stigma & neurological disorder”
Share4Rare – new international patient registry for COVID-19 Continue reading “Share4Rare – new international patient registry for COVID-19”
EAN sets up the Ean NEuro-covid ReGistrY (ENERGY) Continue reading “EAN sets up the Ean NEuro-covid ReGistrY (ENERGY)”
#BrainLifeGoals campaign on World Brain Day 2020 Continue reading “#BrainLifeGoals campaign on World Brain Day 2020”
11-15 July 2020 | (Virtual) 12th FENS Forum of Neuroscience Continue reading “11-15 July 2020 | (Virtual) 12th FENS Forum of Neuroscience”
14 July 2020 | ERN-RND webinar “Gait rehabilitation in people with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia & Respiratory physiotherapy in parkinson’s plus syndromes” Continue reading “14 July 2020 | ERN-RND webinar “Gait rehabilitation in people with Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia & Respiratory physiotherapy in parkinson’s plus syndromes””
NEW ePAG patient advocate for Leukodystrophies from Germany Continue reading “NEW ePAG patient advocate for Leukodystrophies from Germany”