Registries – Cerebellar Ataxia

ERN-RND centres either coordinate or contribute to the RND registries as listed below.
Name of registry/databaseContact personCondition(s)ObjectiveData entered byInclusion and exclusion criteriaNumber of sites if multicentricLocal/National/EuropeanFunding/supporting organization
SPORTAXThomas KlockgetherSporadic ataxiaStudy natural history Develop biomarkers Explore genetic and immunological basisHCP
  1. Progressive ataxia
  2. Disease onset after the age of 40 years
  3. Informative and negative family history (no similar disorders in first- and second-degree relatives; parents older than 50 years, or, if not alive, age at death of more than 50 years, no consanguinity of parents)
  4. No established acquired cause of ataxia

Clinical: No onset of ataxia in association with stroke, encephalitis, sepsis,hyperthermia or heat stroke; no chronic diarrhea; no unexplained visual loss; no alcohol abuse; no chronic intake of anticonvulsant drugs; no other toxic causes; nomalignancies; no rapid progression (development of severe ataxia in less than 12 weeks); no insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

Imaging: No evidence of multiple sclerosis, ischemia, hemorrhage or tumor of the posterior fossa; absence of signal abnormalities on T2/FLAIR-images exceptabnormalities compatible with MSA

Laboratory: Negative molecular genetic testing for FRDA (only required if there is nocerebellar atrophy on MRI, SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA6, FMR1 premutation (onlyrequired if prominent tremor, cognitive impairment or signal abnormality on T2/FLAIRimages in the middle cerebellar peduncle); antineuronal antibodies negative (onlyrequired, if disease duration less than 3 years); normal levels of vitamin B12;VDRL negative; normal thyreoid function

EFACTSJörg B. Schulz (Aachen)Friedreich's Ataxia

This is a multi-centre, multi-national, prospective, observational study of Friedreich's Ataxia (FRDA) with a control group to:

  • obtain natural history data on individuals affected by FRDA
  • relate clinical assessments and results from proteomic analyses
  • expedite identification and recruitment of participants for clinical trials
  • develop and validate sensitive and reliable outcome measures for detecting onset and change over the natural course of FRDA which may also be potential outcome measures for use in future clinical trials and clinical care
  • plan for future research studies

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Genetic diagnosis of FRDA
  • For control research participants: genetically confirmed absence of FRDA

Exclusion Criteria:

  • no signed informed consent form
  • no social security
  • already included in another clinical trial
  • deprived of their liberty
  • local anaesthesic contraindications (for biopsy)
EuropeanEuropean Friedreich's Ataxia Consortium for Translational Studies
SCA RegistryThomas KlockgetherSpinocerebellar ataxias (SCA)Study natural history, Develop biomarkers, Identify genetic modifyersHCP
  1. SCA Mutation (any genotype)
  2. Risk Person for SCA
SPATAX databasePr Alexandra DURRCerebellar ataxias and spastic paraplegiasCohort follow-upHCPCerebellar ataxias and/or spastic paraplegias suspected>50EuropeanNone
Hereditary ataxiasJosep Gamezhereditary ataxias and related disordersA epidemiological survey of hereditary ataxias in CataloniaHCPadult onset ataxiasLocalNone
EOA-early onset Ataxia registryMatthis Synofzikearly onset ataxia and autosomal-recessive ataxiasTo assess phenotypic characteristics and progression of disease in patients with early onset ataxia and autosomal-recessive ataxias in a prospective natural history study; and to unravel the genetic molecular diagnosis in so far unsolvedearly-onset ataxia patients.HCPInclusion:
Patients with ataxia onset <40 years, a sporadic or autosomal-recessive family history, without transmission in 2 generations; and no evidence for a secondary ataxia; a recessive ataxia mutation may already have been identified
ParaplegiasDr. Josep Gamez Neurology Department, Hospital Universitary Vall d' Hebron. Barcelona. Spain.Hereditary paraplegiasAn epidemiological survey hereditary paraplegias in CataloniaHCPAdult paraplegias (>18 years old)LocalNone
HSP RegistryRebecca SchüleHSP, PLS and Spastic AtaxiaMulticenter, prospective observational natural history studyHCPclinical or genetic diagnosis of HSP11EuropeanBMBF, DZNE, HSP-Selbst­hilfe­gruppe e.v.

Friedreich Ataxia Studies

EuroFA – European Friedreich Ataxia Registry (EFACTS)

Spinocerebellar Ataxia Studies

EuroSCA – European Spinocerebellar Ataxia Registry
RISCA – Prospective Study of Individuals at Risk for Spinocerebellar Ataxia

Other Ataxia Studies

SPORTAX – Sporadic Degenerative Ataxia Registry
EOA – Early Onset Ataxia Registry
Hereditary Ataxia (Spain)