遗传性痉挛性截瘫(HSPs)的“患者旅程”是与Adam Lawrence(英国HSP支持小组主席)和Lori Renna Linton(ERN-RND ePAG代表:共济失调/HSP)共同开发的 (Euro-HSP).

您可以通过点击图像下载pdf 格式的信息图表和表格,在此查找有关遗传性痉挛性截(HSPs)的信息资料,了解“患者旅程”。
We thank Louis Lim and his mother, Luo Wen Juan, for translating the Patient Journey into Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
Louis, a third-year medical student at the University of New South Wales, Sydney, became involved in the RARE Compassion Program by Global Genes, where he had the privilege of meeting Lori Renna Linton. From her, he gained profound insights into Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP) and developed a profound appreciation for the importance of learning about and raising awareness for rare diseases: “I was thrilled to be part of the translation project and saw it as an opportunity to enlighten others, including my mother, about the importance of rare diseases.”
They hope that their dedication and commitment in undertaking this translation will be beneficial in bridging language barriers and expanding access to such valuable information within the Chinese-speaking community.